How to Prevent a Rosacea Flareup

Millions of people throughout the United States suffer from a chronic skin condition that makes them appear to be blushing. But few people blush at everything — unless they suffer from rosacea. If you’re one of these men or women, you know that the red blotches spread to affect your entire face, neck, and even your ears. And a rosacea blush often develops into rough, bumpy skin that looks like acne.
With rosacea, environmental factors can cause some days to be worse than others. The skilled dermatology team at Associated Skin Care Specialists can help to prevent these irritating flareups and treat your symptoms to provide relief. For your convenience, we have five offices, located in Eden Prairie, Fridley, Maple Grove, and Coon Rapids, Minnesota.
Different people with rosacea have different triggers, but some stimuli are more common than others. Follow these tips from the Associated Skin Care Specialists team to determine what may trigger your flareups and how to avoid outbreaks.
Look at food
Many rosacea sufferers know to stay away from spicy foods. In fact, 78% of people with rosacea say hot sauce and peppers cause immediate flareups. A particular chemical in peppers, called capsaicin, affects the heat receptors in your skin and aggravates rosacea.
But it’s not all about spices. Hot foods and drinks can do it, too. Allow some time for hot food and drinks to cool a bit before diving in, or just stick with iced drinks.
You can stay away from the wrong things, but did you know that eating the right things can help calm rosacea symptoms? Foods that are known to have anti-inflammatory properties may help ease the redness. Some of these are:
- Berries
- Cucumbers
- Melons
- Pumpkins
- Turmeric
- Zucchini
Try snacking on these regularly or adding them to dishes for added help with your rosacea.
Look at drinks
Alcohol is another common trigger for rosacea, because of its propensity to dilate the blood vessels. You can exercise caution and drink sparingly, drinking water along with your cocktails, but avoiding adult beverages is your best bet. Also, red wine contains tyramines, and these are known to dilate the blood vessels more rapidly than other forms of alcohol.
Look at the weather
Although everyone loves outdoor summertime fun, direct sunlight can make your rosacea worse. Wear a wide-brimmed hat if you must be in the sun, and always seek the shade in any location where you plan to spend time outdoors.
Overheating triggers rosacea in most people, even if they avoid direct sunlight. Try to avoid hot cars, flaming barbecues, steamy kitchens, and hot tubs or saunas. Keep your rosacea at bay by keeping your body temperature cool.
Look at yourself
When stress causes your heart rate to rise, you may trigger a rosacea flareup. Many people discover that when their face gets red from stress, the telltale patches form and irritation begins. Curb your rosacea, and help your overall health, by calming down and removing sources of stress where possible.
Everyone can find some method to reduce stress, or at least manage the normal stressors that you have to face. Try some new or fun ways for relieving stress like yoga, simple breathing techniques, and good old-fashioned exercise. Find out what works for you and keep your rosacea, and your heart, in a calmer state.
Look at your skin
Staying out of direct sunlight is important, but so is caring for your sensitive skin. It’s absolutely necessary to wear sunscreen whenever you’re outdoors. Choose SPF 30 or higher skin-friendly options every day, even when it’s cloudy.
These tips may reduce your rosacea flareups, but you may need more advanced treatment when your symptoms get worse. From prescription topical creams to antibiotics, we can help you find the relief you need from your rosacea. Call one of our five locations or request an appointment online.
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