Hyperhidrosis? Remedy Excessive Sweating This Summer With MiraDry®

Sweating is a normal physiological function that helps your body regulate temperature. When your body heat rises, it activates your sweat glands to excrete water on the surface of your skin to cool things down.
Though sweating may be a normal body function, some people suffer from excessive underarm sweat, medically called hyperhidrosis. With hyperhidrosis, your underarm sweat glands perspire excessively, even when your body temperature isn’t elevated.
Hyperhidrosis is an embarrassing condition, but our board-certified dermatologists at
Associated Skin Care Specialists in Maple Grove, Fridley, Eden Prairie, and Coon Rapids, Minnesota, have a solution. We can stop your excessive sweating this summer with miraDry®.
Hyperhidrosis: excessive underarm sweating
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that impacts more than 15 million people in the United States, according to an October 2016 review published in Archives of Dermatological Research.
There are two types of hyperhidrosis:
Primary focal hyperhidrosis
Primary focal hyperhidrosis is the most common type and develops from overactive sweat gland nerves. These nerves trigger the sweat glands to produce sweat even when you’re not engaged in physical activity or in a hot environment.
With primary focal hyperhidrosis, you may find your condition gets worse when you’re stressed or nervous.
Secondary hyperhidrosis
Secondary hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating caused by an underlying health condition, such as diabetes, menopause, or a nervous condition. This type of excessive sweating may affect sweat glands all over your body, not just your underarms.
No matter the type, hyperhidrosis is an embarrassing problem that may impact your personal and professional life.
MiraDry: the remedy for your underarm sweat
If you’re tired of the embarrassment caused by your underarm sweat, then it’s time to consider miraDry. The revolutionary non-surgical treatment permanently reduces underarm sweat after a single 1-hour treatment.
Using thermal energy, miraDry eliminates your underarm sweat glands and stops the embarrassing problem. Sweat glands are an essential part of your body’s natural cooling system. However, your body has millions of sweat glands and only two percent are located under your arms.
Eliminating the underarm sweat glands doesn’t impact your body’s ability to control the temperature. But it does eliminate the embarrassing excessive underarm sweating and boost your confidence.
More than just sweat reduction
With miraDry, we do more than just reduce your excessive underarm sweating. The thermal energy from your miraDry treatment also reduces the underarm odor and hair glands.
No more deodorant and no more underarm shaving. You can expect significant improvements in sweating, odor, and underarm hair after just one treatment. However, we may recommend more than one miraDry session so you get the best results.
To ease discomfort, we administer a local anesthetic prior to your miraDry treatment. There’s no downtime after your session, but we may recommend you take a break from your usual exercise routine for about a week.
Excessive underarm sweating is an embarrassing problem that we can easily fix this summer with miraDry. Contact the office most convenient to you and schedule an appointment today.
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