Blog Archive
Scars are your body’s natural way of healing wounds and protecting you from outside invaders. However, scar formation is unpredictable: Some you barely notice, while others affect the look and texture of your skin. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board certified dermatologists offer various treatments to minimize the appearance...
The subtle lines and wrinkles on your face are beginning to show your age, but that may not accurately reflect how young you feel. A face-lift may provide dramatic results, but may not make the right choice for you now. Botox® and dermal fillers are effective and less invasive options...
Most people have moles, those brown or black spots that appear on the skin on the skin. The cells that produce the pigment in our skin, melanocytes, make up moles. Moles are harmless in most cases, but not something to ignore. The brown or black spots on your skin can...
About 20% of people in the United States develop skin cancer at some point during their life. That’s one out of every five people you know. Skin cancer is treatable, especially when it’s caught early. And with treatments like Mohs surgery, skin cancer is 95 to 99% curable. At Associated...
Whether your double chin is genetic or caused by weight gain, you’re not alone if you don’t like the way it affects your appearance. But, with advances in aesthetic treatments, you don’t have to live with your double chin. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, we offer CoolSculpting® at our offices...
Lack of time, transportation issues, and location are some of the barriers that prevent people from getting the medical care they need. Telemedicine is breaking down those barriers, allowing patients to meet with their doctor remotely by video or phone call. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our patient-centered team of...
If you had chickenpox, you’re at risk of having shingles. Though both cause a blistery rash that itches, shingles is more painful. Our board-certified dermatologists at Associated Skin Care Specialists treat shingles and know how much discomfort the viral infection causes. But you don’t have to sit around and wait...
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, but symptoms can come and go. If your skin condition has been in remission for years, you may not know how to manage the itching and pain that occurs from an unexpected psoriasis flare-up. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our skilled and compassionate board-certified...
Protecting your skin from the sun, not smoking, and eating a balanced diet are some of the things you can do to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh. However, genetics, time, and certain skin conditions may affect the look of your skin despite all your efforts. With advances in...
You’re active. You eat right. But no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to lose the little ring of fat around your waist. Some pockets of fat are harder to lose than others, but you can get rid of them. Thanks to advancements in aesthetic technology, we can...
A poison ivy rash is intensely itchy, hard to ignore, and seems to last way too long. When you have poison ivy, all you want is relief. While there’s no magic cure for poison ivy, you can make yourself more comfortable. Associated Skin Care Specialists is known throughout the Twin...
If you have red bumps and pimples covering your nose and cheeks, you may automatically think of acne. Adult acne is common, and pimples on the nose are a symptom of the skin condition. However, your red nose and cheeks could indicate rosacea, another common skin condition some people may...
Every hour, nearly 400 people in the United States learn they have skin cancer. Treatment usually includes surgery to remove the cancerous lesion. Mohs surgery, also called Mohs micrographic surgery, is one of the most effective surgical treatments for skin cancer, with a high cure rate (meaning the cancer is...
Exercise is good for your body and health. But not everyone enjoys spending hours at the gym, or they struggle to get the results they expect. So, what’s the secret to more toned muscles without working out? At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our cosmetic dermatology specialists use CoolTone® to help...
A common misconception about skin cancer is that it only affects people with fair skin, light eyes, and light hair. However, anyone can get skin cancer, so everyone is at risk. And rates of skin cancer in the United States are on the rise, so we should all take steps...
Are you looking for a nonsurgical skin treatment to minimize fine lines and wrinkles? Do you want a brighter and smoother complexion? Then you may want to consider a chemical peel. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board-certified dermatologists recommend chemical peels to treat a wide range of skin concerns,...
Winter in Minnesota is long, running from November to March. Although we get snowfall, along with some warmer days, most of the time, the winter air is dry and cold. And that cold, dry air is no friend to your skin, especially if you have a skin condition like atopic...
Your skin covers your entire body, serving as a protective barrier against outside harm from germs, ultraviolet (UV) light, and injuries. It’s also a sensory organ and helps regulate body temperature. But as your body’s first layer of defense, your skin is highly susceptible to damage and serious health conditions...
When getting to the doctor's office is too hard, you may skip it. But not seeing your doctor when you have a health concern puts your well-being at risk. With advances in telecommunication technology, many doctors offer virtual visits, meeting with you via video from a place that’s more convenient...
Learning you have skin cancer can be overwhelming and distressing. As you come to terms with your diagnosis, it’s important to know that you have many options for treatment. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board-certified dermatologists diagnose and treat all types of skin cancer. Our team includes board-certified Mohs surgeons who perform Mohs micrographic surgery, a...
Many people who are tired of shaving, waxing, and plucking unwanted hair are turning to laser hair removal. Thanks to advances in laser technology, laser hair removal is safer, faster, and more effective than ever. At Associated Skin Care Specialists we provide laser hair removal at our offices in Eden...
Acne is tough enough during puberty, but having to go through it again (or for the first time) as an adult can be downright defeating. And, what cleared up your acne during your teens may not work now, or it may make your blemishes worse. Our board-certified dermatologists at Associated...
Family history is a common risk factor for many types of cancer, including skin cancer. While your genetics may elevate your risk of skin cancer, overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is a more concerning risk factor. Since May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, our board-certified dermatologists at Associated Skin Care...
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects the face. Treatment for rosacea focuses on preventing or minimizing flare-ups. This includes avoiding your rosacea triggers, which may include certain foods and drinks. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board-certified dermatologists have a lot of experience helping people with...
It’s very common and not harmful to your health, but you’re not alone if you don’t like the look of your cellulite. Because it’s such a major beauty concern, there’s a lot of misinformation about cellulite, including what causes it and how to get rid of it. At Associated Skin...
Laser resurfacing is a great cosmetic treatment for restoring the skin’s natural radiance without surgery or lengthy downtime. But you do need to take some precautions after treatment, especially from the sun. Though our board-certified dermatologists at Associated Skin Care Specialists use lasers all year long, we think winter is...
Rosacea is a common, chronic skin condition that usually starts out as facial flushing or blushing. Over time, the redness from the flushing may last longer and spread to the ears, chest, or back and cause other skin problems like spider veins, acne-like bumps, or thickened skin. Because rosacea signs and...
A red, itchy, burning rash is a common symptom of many skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. Though eczema and psoriasis are two distinct skin conditions, you’re not alone if you’re not sure if your rash is one or the other. That’s where our board-certified dermatologists at Associated Skin Care...
Having acne is hard enough, with the toll it can take on your psychological and emotional well-being. For many, acne leaves behind scars that continue to affect their mental health, self-confidence, and self-esteem. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board-certified cosmetic dermatologists understand the long-term emotional effects of acne and the scars it leaves...
Every day, nearly 9,500 people in the United States find out they have skin cancer. At the current rates of diagnosis, 1 out of every 5 people in the US will have skin cancer at some point during their life. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board-certified dermatologists are experts...
Are you making good food choices and getting regular exercise but can’t seem to drop those last few pounds? You’re not alone. Some areas of the body like to hold on to unwanted fat despite all of your efforts. If you’re ready to say goodbye to those last few pesky...
Every day, about 9,500 people in the United States find out they have skin cancer, making it the most common type of cancer in the country. When found early, skin cancer is highly curable. But how do you know if you have skin cancer? At Associated Skin Care Specialists, we have board-certified dermatologists who specialize in...
The same virus ― varicella-zoster virus ― causes both chickenpox and shingles. Chickenpox is very contagious. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one person with chickenpox can infect up to 90% of the people they come in close contact with, if those people aren’t immune to the virus (meaning...
It’s estimated that about 5% of people in the United States sweat excessively. However, because it’s an embarrassing problem, this estimate is likely higher, according to the Cleveland Clinic. But there’s no need to feel embarrassed about your excessive sweating. With advancements in aesthetic medicine, there are effective treatments for your...
Poison ivy is sneaky. You spend a little time enjoying the great outdoors, and a few hours later you have this itchy, red rash with blisters to boot. We know how you feel. Help! At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our experienced board-certified dermatologists help many patients every year deal with their poison ivy. What...
Eczema isn’t a single skin condition, but an umbrella term for conditions that cause inflamed, irritated, itchy skin. More than 30 million people in the United States have some form of eczema. Some types of eczema cause ongoing skin problems, like atopic dermatitis, while others only cause problems when you...
Despite what you were told when sitting in the tattoo artist's chair getting inked, tattoos are no longer permanent. If you’re tired of your tattoo, laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective tool for getting rid of your skin art, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association...
Every parent dreads that call from the school: You need to come pick up your child. They have head lice. Your initial reactions may be panic and dread. You may have concerns about who else has head lice and all the cleaning you have ahead of you to disinfect your...
Dermal fillers are the second most popular nonsurgical cosmetic treatment in the United States, just after Botox®. They’re a quick cosmetic injection that gives you immediate results. Though many people use dermal fillers to restore a more youthful look, our highly skilled board-certified cosmetic dermatologists at Associated Skin Care Specialists...
We know you don’t want to hear this, but: Diet and exercise may not be enough to get rid of all the jiggly fat from your belly and thighs. However, you have options that don’t include surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting® is a nonsurgical body-contouring tool that uses innovative freezing technology...
Almost every day, 9,500 people in the United States learn they have skin cancer. Anyone can develop skin cancer. However, there are factors that increase a person’s risk. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our highly skilled board-certified dermatologists are experts at preventing, diagnosing, and treating skin cancer. Though we can...
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes thick, scaly patches of skin. If you have psoriasis, you know how itchy those scaly patches of skin get, especially when left untreated. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board-certified dermatologists specialize in treating psoriasis. We offer many innovative treatment options to...
From aging to acne to unwanted hair, aesthetic lasers address a wide range of skin needs and beauty concerns. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our board-certified dermatologists take a comprehensive approach to care, utilizing advanced tools and technology so you get the best possible outcomes. Here, we want to share...
Even when you reach your goal weight, you may still struggle to get rid of the belly flab or the fat that clings to your hips and thighs. Eating less and moving more may not help you get the results you want. What are your options for getting rid of...
Anyone can get hives. It’s estimated that about 20% of people develop hives at some point during their lifetime. The red, itchy welts usually appear suddenly and disappear within a few hours. However, it’s not uncommon for new hives to appear as old ones fade, causing an itchy rash that...
Those red, scaly, itchy patches of skin are quite uncomfortable and even embarrassing for some people. Though there are many effective treatments that can help minimize psoriasis flare-ups, there’s no cure. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that will be with you for life. Knowing that you have to live...
We all know how important regular exercise is for our health. But even the most dedicated gym-goers have a hard time reaching their ultimate body goals. Crunches, squats, and lunges only get you so far. We get it. At Associated Skin Care Specialists, we offer non-invasive body sculpting treatments to...
After spending months cooped up inside, you’re probably itching to get outdoors to enjoy the fresh air and warmer weather. Though spending time outdoors benefits your physical and mental health, you may forget the positives if your time enjoying Earth’s natural beauty ends with an itchy poison ivy rash. But...
Every day more than 9,500 people in the United States are told they have skin cancer. Being diagnosed with skin cancer is unnerving. However, when caught and treated early your chance of a full recovery is excellent. Treatment for skin cancer depends on the type of skin cancer you have...
Up to 90% of people with psoriasis have plaque psoriasis, which causes red, thick, scaly patches of skin. Though this type of psoriasis is easy to recognize and diagnose, it’s not the only way the immune-mediated disease presents itself. There are many types of psoriasis. While most types affect the...
It’s estimated that rosacea affects about 16 million people in the United States, making it a common skin condition. Despite these statistics, you may wonder why you have rosacea. Here at Associated Skin Care Specialists, we understand your question and your frustration with the skin condition. Our experienced board-certified dermatologists...
Hives are common and often develop suddenly and unexpectedly and resolve in 24 hours or less, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. However, not everyone who develops hives is so lucky. In some cases, hives last for weeks or they recur frequently. If you suffer from chronic hives,...
Though not as common as other types of skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma is the most serious. When not detected and treated in the early stages, melanoma quickly spreads to other organs. Rates of melanoma are on the rise in the United States,...
Thanks to vaccines, many kids will never have to suffer through the chickenpox. But if you had the chickenpox, you’re at risk of developing shingles. Though caused by the same virus, varicella-zoster virus, shingles is significantly more painful and uncomfortable than the chickenpox. Our board-certified dermatologists at Associated Skin Care...
Despite being the most common skin condition in the United States, acne takes its toll on a person’s emotional and social well-being. For some, the skin condition may leave behind scars that serve as a constant reminder that can negatively impact one's appearance and self-esteem. But you don't have to...
Sweating is a normal physiological function that helps your body regulate temperature. When your body heat rises, it activates your sweat glands to excrete water on the surface of your skin to cool things down. Though sweating may be a normal body function, some people suffer from excessive underarm sweat,...
Lines, wrinkles, and creases are a natural part of the aging process and largely controlled by your genetics. Though you can’t change your genes, there are other factors that influence your aging skin you can change. Botox® is a cosmetic injection that makes the wrinkles on your skin soften and...
After months of hard work, nothing is more accomplishing than hitting your goal weight. That said, stubborn pockets of fat can prevent you from achieving the trim figure you expected after losing weight. Sound familiar? At Associated Skin Care Specialists, with offices in Blaine, Eden Prairie, Maple Grove, and Coon Rapids,...
Millions of people throughout the United States suffer from a chronic skin condition that makes them appear to be blushing. But few people blush at everything — unless they suffer from rosacea. If you’re one of these men or women, you know that the red blotches spread to affect your...
Imagine you have scheduled your annual skin check. During the course of your visit, your dermatologist identifies a suspicious lesion and recommends performing a skin biopsy. The following week, your skin doctor calls you to explain that the biopsy revealed a lesion that will need to be completely excised. While...
Scars are usually a stinging reminder of an injury sustained in the past. If you wish to remove a scar, you might choose over-the-counter medications, but they usually provide dismal results. A surgical process is often necessary, and dermatologists often refer to this type of procedure as scar revision surgery....
Finding out you have skin cancer can feel overwhelming. With so many different treatments and dermatologist specialists to choose from, it’s hard to know which option is right for you. Depending on the size, complexity, and location of the cancer, Mohs surgery may offer you the best, most cost-effective treatment....
With countless lifestyle bloggers, YouTube beauty gurus, and articles about the latest “miracle product” (which almost always turns out to be an elaborate advertisement), it can be very difficult to know where to look for the skin care routine that’s right for you. There’s even debate over how many steps...
When you think of “light” and “skin,” you probably jump to the negative effects of the sun on your skin. While sunlight does have dangerous UV rays that damage skin, other types of light can actually help your skin – even reversing some of the effects of sun exposure. Laser...
As magical as the winter season can be, it’s not always comfortable – outdoors or inside. Cold temperatures, biting winds, and the constantly running heater can lead to less-than-ideal conditions for your skin. Dry skin, chapped lips, and an irritated, flaky scalp are common winter skin ailments. Here are some...
Everyone knows the importance of regular checkups with your general physician and dentist. When most people hear the term “skin care,” however, they think of moisturizers, sunscreen, and other products. As your skin is your body’s largest organ, it’s important to think beyond a bottle of lotion and see a...
Healthy skin goes far beyond what you put on it. You should also pay careful attention to what you put into it through the food and drink choices you make! At Associated Skin Care, our Minnesota dermatology experts know that what you eat can have a significant impact on your...
With summer in the rear view mirror, the days are growing shorter and cloudier. The overcast, cool weather may make it seem like it’s less imperative to wear sunscreen – but even in fall and winter, sunscreen is a must! Many people tend to think that if they can’t see...
Between irritation, dryness, discomfort, and a never-ending search for a “holy grail” product, dealing with sensitive skin can seem like nightmare. Thankfully, following the right routine and using the right skincare products can keep your skin healthy and comfortable! Following these tips from our dermatology clinic can help you achieve...
As August comes to a close and the weather starts to get cooler, many people anticipate the changing of the seasons. Sweaters are brought out of boxes, fall decorations are dusted off, and gardening supplies are traded out for rakes and snow shovels. As you prepare for fall, don’t forget...